Ukraine Doesn’t Get a Vacation
It’s hard for us to stay positive during this time of political infighting, with U.S. support to Ukraine in the balance.
It’s infinitely harder to be on the ground in Ukraine, defending your home, your family, and your elected, representative government.
We persist in supporting Ukrainians making a difference because it’s the right and wise thing to do. Thank you to our team and partners for making a real difference and thank you to our donors for making it possible.
Donate Now
Your tax-deductible contribution will fund equipment and supplies urgently needed to help keep civilian volunteers and the Territorial Defense Forces in the fight and achieve victory.
Fighting Chance Ukraine is a project of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, a registered 501(c)(3).
For support or to discuss other methods of donating (e.g., wire transfer), please email
As we continue our mission of supporting civilian volunteers and the Territorial Defense Forces in Ukraine, we are pleased to add former senior U.S. military leaders to our growing list of advisors and supporters.
Generals Wesley Clark and Philip Breedlove were among seven former NATO commanders who recently authored a powerful piece in Defense One urging increased U.S. support for Ukraine.
They believe in FCU’s mission and impacts and we’re thankful for their assistance in reaching Americans of all walks of life who want to help.
Our Winter is Coming campaign provided cold-weather attire, first aid kits, and communications gear to Ukrainians defending democracy. While we will continue to ship basic equipment and supplies, our emerging focus this spring and summer will be drone components and demining robots.
We’ll continue to post images that demonstrate FCU’s impacts in Ukraine. Thank you to all who have donated so far!
Your help is needed now to save lives, protect Ukraine's democracy, and support regional security.
We are a non-partisan team with US military and logistical expertise, wide networks, and the commitment needed to propel Ukrainian victory by directly supporting the Territorial Defense Forces.
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Updates on Progress
What We Do
Aid to Ukraine’s Territorial Defense Forces
Governments and NATO are providing vital military support to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and nonprofits are delivering crucial humanitarian assistance throughout the country.
What's needed right now, however, is non-lethal equipment and supplies to Ukraine's Territorial Defense Forces - the country's reserve units. The Territorial Defense Forces (TDF) have demonstrated their courage and effectiveness and are a strategic key to victory.
TDF volunteer surviving head shot with level 4 helmet from UCCA branch donor
Who We Are
FCU was founded in spring 2022 by senior U.S. Department of Defense officials from four Presidential Administrations. We have led major government agencies, businesses, nonprofits, and educational institutions and have the insights, skills, and networks to deliver critical aid to Ukrainians serving bravely on the front lines.
Fighting Chance Ukraine is a project of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, a registered nonprofit organization active across the United States. We will initially raise $50 million to provide critical, non-lethal supplies to the men and women playing a crucial, strategic role in Ukraine. It will take giving by individuals, fellow nonprofits, and corporations to meet our goals.
Time is running out. Please donate now and share on social media why you're giving or how you'd like your support to be used.
Learn More
Our crowdfunding campaign focuses exclusively on supporting the Ukrainian military reserves. These brave and women are known as the Territorial Defense Forces. We are providing them with critical, non-lethal equipment. You can learn more by watching our short video (at right).
Jerry Hultin
Former United States Under Secretary of the Navy
Dov S. Zakheim
Former United States Under Secretary of Defense
Dr. Harlan Ullman
Advisor to Supreme Allied Commanders Europe (2004-2016)
Andrew J. Futey
President, Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Tamara Olexy
Executive Director, Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Peter Teluk
Former Senior Advisor to Minister of Economy for Ukraine
How to Help
Your support funds non-lethal supplies such as body armor, helmets, night vision goggles, food, water, and fuel. All aid provided will support the Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces. Your support is tax-deductible.
Our project is powered by a strong network of supporters that you can become a part of. Spread the message of the urgent need to aid the Territorial Defense Forces in their fight to preserve Ukraine’s democracy and freedom.